Welcome to Lanello Bookstore!

The Lanello Bookstore was established in 2011. It is a cozy space that carries several titles and items such as CDs, DVDs, jewelry and more. We offer the option for special order items if they are not found on our shelves. We carry books in three different languages: English, Spanish, and Portuguese. We invite you to visit, browse, purchase and give suggestions on how we may improve your shopping experience.

Lanello Bookstore hours:

Wednesday 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Saturday 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Sunday 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
For more information please contact 

Rosmery Diaz 305-582-0921 Español

Lydia Cortes (954) 253-2227 English

Explore Multilingual Wisdom from The Teachings of the Masters at Lanello Bookstore: Books in English, Portuguese, and Spanish Available for Ordering.

Saint Germain y los siete arcángeles: Mensajes para la era de Acuario

Memorias de una mística negra del Bronx: Halla la perla de gran precio

La búsqueda espiritual: Ensenanzas de los maestros ascendidos 

New Releases

Our Favorite Books 

Lanello Best Sellers

Libros en Español

Livros em Português

We are immensely grateful for your visit to our Lanello Bookstore. As a token of appreciation, please accept a complimentary copy of this inspiring book from our master alchemist, Saint Germain. We would be delighted to welcome you to our Study Group of Miami as well, allowing you the chance to explore our Lanello Bookstore in person and participate in our enlightening services. Your presence would not only be a gift to us but also an opportunity for you to bond with our vibrant community. We invite you to join us for a visit, gain inspiration along your spiritual journey, and forge meaningful connections within our group.

Saint Germain

Free download:

Unlock the secrets of transformation with our exclusive Book: "Saint Germain: Master Alchemist." Delve into the timeless wisdom of Saint Germain, the master alchemist, and discover the alchemical principles that hold the key to personal and spiritual evolution. This captivating Book is a journey through the ages, revealing the profound teachings of Saint Germain and his alchemical insights. Download now to embark on a transformative quest towards inner alchemy and higher consciousness. Illuminate your path with the wisdom of the ages and awaken the alchemist within you.

Master Alchemist