Attendees for the event

  1. Adriana Wagner
  2. Ali Alonso
  3. Eloisa Hurtado
  4. Iraida Ferreira
  5. Maria Carolina Paraventi
  6. Lilian Hernandez
  7. Liliana Garcés
  8. Luz Stella Cano
  9. Maria Gomes
  10. Maria Izabel Pazzim
  11. Miriam Izada
  12. Myladis Almonte
  13. Nadine Clare
  14. Paul Mokides
  15. Raquel Morrison
  16. Robert Worobec
  17. Rosmery Donado
  18. Sonia Luna
  19. Victoria Bianchi
  20. William White
  21. Yvonne Fly

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Robert Worobec for making our end-of-year event, “Christmas Joy,” so joyful with his presence. It is an honor to have him join us at the Study Group of Miami and become a part of our community, even if only for a few days. The presence of our long time church members are invaluable, as they offer guidance, share the roots of our teachings, and fortify us to continue on our path.

We would also like to convey our immense gratitude to William White, who, at the age of 92, attended this event and spent time with us here in Miami. It was a precious opportunity for us to express our gratitude and love for him. He was cherished by many of us in Miami and brought happiness to countless people.

Words cannot adequately express how much we appreciated their presence during this event.

Christmas Joy 

December 17, 2022

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