A weekend of pure Joy and laughter, learning and sharing with friends of old and meeting new ones. Precious moments brought to us by our beloved Lucile Yaney. It was a memorable event – The Warring of One’s Psychology Seminar. A presentation that touched the hearts and minds of all who participated, both online and in-person.
Lucile’s Presence radiated an almost tangible Light through her profound knowledge of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters and their integration with her extensive and invaluable expertise in psychology.
Our TSL Study Group of Miami was inundated with such uplifting joy and we could truly feel love was in our hearts. We experienced the highest meaning of a spiritual bond among all those who participated, physically and virtually. What an incredible gift we all received! A modern-day dispensation that made our souls soar with gratitude and awe.
Beloved Kuthumi’s angels brought us brothers and sisters from afar – the Roings from Montana, Cesar Rojas from San Francisco who many decades ago lived here and was thrilled to have come for the event, Yvonne Fly from the west coast of Florida and our distinguished guest, Lucile.
Our gathering truly outpictured the Community of the Holy Spirit – each one working on a particular area to make sure all the checklists were completed and that preparations were all in place for the grand occasion, from AV to chapel set up, from registration to decorations, from translation to healthy menus, transportation to the traditional afternoon tea. Yes! Miami can be very chic, indeed!
We also prepared ourselves to listen and learn from the enlightening teachings Lucile brought us, such as, “There is a divine order in every single initiation that falls on our lap.” And very key, “The soul aligning with one’s purpose and vision can help psychology. Psychology and spirituality both aim to raise consciousness and free the soul. Integrating these two fields can accelerate enlightenment. In summary, self-knowledge involves unifying different parts within …..”
Divine order indeed was the force behind the entire process of coordinating this two-day seminar as it was a great Victory for all.
Thank you dearest Lucile! We look forward to your return, the sooner the better!
Lucile Yaney
Our Lay Sister, Maria Carolina Paraventi in the background in our AV station, served on the AV team the first day of our seminar. We were overjoyed to welcome our brothers and sisters both online and in-person at our group.
Our AV team had all eyes and ears constantly fine-tuning notes for translation, adjusting microphone sound, and refining camera angles. It was a true team effort with excellence.
Our concentrated seminar translators, Rev. Carmen Bocanegra and Luz Cano.
We are all about nourishing our souls, and our physical bodies as well! No need to leave the venue for breaks and/or lunch! So convenient for participants and presenters alike to have home-made cooking available right there at the site, allowing everyone some time to socialize and enjoy each other’s company. And most important of all – warmly solidifying our bond. All the compliments of the organic healthy cooking goes to members of the Community who prized us with dishes from their own nations so we had a most diversified and international potluck. Our dishes have become well-known and they are all scrumptious!
We also had the opportunity to share more with our brothers and sisters from afar and get to know each other better as we all mingled in a setting that felt more like one of those huge Italian family reunions – warm, joyous, and blessed, while sharing those delicious dishes. It was a grand feast!
We sure know how to party! But… we also know that when it’s time for Saint Germain’s Service, we’re right there with him and the Masters. So, afterwards we welcomed our Beloved Knight Commander into our chapel and dedicated ourselves to his causes conducting his Service.
Our Adriana Wagner leads our AV team and here she is on Sunday for the second day of the event.
The board members of the Study Group of Miami – Adriana Wagner, Rosmery Dias, and Victoria Bianchi, with Rev. Carmen Bocanegra.
Our Lay Sister Maria Carolina, our illustrious guest presenter, Lucile Yaney.
The board members of the Study Group of Miami – Adriana Wagner, Rosmery Dias, and Victoria Bianchi, with Lucile Yaney.
Our heartfelt gratitude for this incredible seminar where we have learned so much. Lucile Yaney lovingly brought us such profound teachings that are key to our soul awakening and evolution. Our group picture shows those who were there physically. It would not be complete but for our brothers and sisters participating via Zoom, all of whom are ever-present in our hearts in this great antakharana that we are. We truly are One!
October 12, 2023
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